Compressed Bio-Gas will be a game-changer for Energy, Agriculture: Experts

Compressed Bio-Gas will be a game-changer not only for Energy sector but also forAgriculture sector., according to Mr Tarun Kapoor, Secretary, Union Ministry of Petroleum and Natural Gas. 

“We are looking at agriculture residue and giving value to farmers. We are also looking at useful solid waste and thereby cleaning up the urban area. Besides, we are looking at absorbing parali to reduce pollution”, said Kapoor at a virtual conclave on “India’s Sustainable Energy Transition- Accelerating Compressed Bio-Gas as the next Affordable Green Fuel”.

We are catering to the economic activity of the farmers; energy security and controlling pollution and, cleaning the environment via Compressed Bio Gas. Compressed Bio-Gas needs to come vehicles which can run like tractors, four vehicles and other heavy vehicles, Mr Kapoor added at the conclave organized by PHD Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PHDCCI) .

Mr Kapoor disclosed that the Government’s target was to set up plants with high capacity MMT with high Compressed Bio Gas (CBG) production. “If we blend this with natural gas, we hope that we can further increase the blending of natural gas with Compressed Bio Gas,” he opined.

 Talking about challenges, he said that included increase the speed of running of plants in the next few years; land acquisition, and financial closure. He mentioned that there is a lot of investment opportunities for the industry in the setting up of plants.

Mr Kapoor opined that the Ministry is encouraging startups in the area of biofertilizers which will add value to the plants. The Ministry is also trying to get tax concessions, easy movement of fertilizers, and other subsidies.

 Mr A.K Jana, Managing Director, Indraprastha Gas Ltd, dwelt upon  various initiatives undertaken by the government to increase the energy basket and production of Compressed Bio Gas. He said the involvement of private players will help to boost production and demand.

 Mr Sanjay Aggarwal, President, PHDCCI, in his presidential address, deliberated about the importance of biogas that can be produced and consumed without any adverse effect on the environment. Biogas has the potential to cater to the needs of every sector and at the same time it is an organic fertilizer and helps in reducing carbon emission, Mr Agarwal added.

 Mr Aggarwal said the use of Compressed Bio-Gas will help in bringing down dependency on crude oil imports and in realizing Government’s vision of enhancing farmers’ income, rural employment, and entrepreneurship.

 Mr Aggarwal emphasized that the production and use of biogas-methane-from organic waste are important for saving in economic terms, keeping the environment clean, and minimizing the effects of climate change by generating cleaner green energy that makes a pollution-free atmosphere, thereby reducing the GHG emission. Biogas technology is reviewed as a promising sustainable solution for the agriculture, rural, industrial and automobile sector, he added.

 Mr. E.S Ranganathan, Chairman, PHDCCI Hydrocarbon Committee,  elaborated on the importance of natural gas and Compressed Bio-Gas  stressing that strong policies and upgrading of technologies are needed for moving India towards clean energy and making it self-reliant. 

 Mr V.K Mishra, Co-Chairman, Hydrocarbon Committee PHDCCI, mentioned the country needed to increase its energy growth consumption and at the same time look for green and sustainable fuel which will reduce the carbon footprint.

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